Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Sequestration: it's going to happen. Today we held a press conference to talk about the impact to our clients. We were joined by Steve Huntley, Executive Director at Valley Opportunity Council (VOC) and Nicole Blais, Community Liaison at Holyoke Chicopee Springfield Head Start who talked about the direct impact on their programs.

We talked about how the cuts mean that we won't be able to provide Weatherization Assistance to 150 families this year. VOC won't be able to help about 700 households with fuel assistance. And for Head Start kids, well the cuts will be particularly devastating.

So, is there anything we can do at this point? We can call our legislators. Let them know that we are unhappy. We are all going to be affected by sequestration and it isn't going to be pretty. Tell them we need a to make millionaires pay their fair share in taxes. Tell them that deficit cuts shouldn't be affecting jobs.

For more reading check out the Coalition on Human Needs at and the Guardian article on impacts on the poor as well as the Democratic Proposal called the American Family Economic Protection Act. Let's all make some noise!

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Ribbon Cutting for our Revamped Indoor Play Room

With many thanks to the members of our Weatherization Department, we reopened our Indoor Play Room today. The children waited patiently through the short program - Childcare Director Tabitha Desplaines cut the ribbon and thanked the crew for all their work with a basket of goodies.

As you can see, the children were thrilled. They truly enjoy being able to ride and bounce and run and climb. And the teachers just love to see the kids having a wonderful time. And remember, playing is a way for kids to learn and to improve not only motor skills, but social skills too.

For other photos please check out our Facebook and Pinterest pages.