Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays to All

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Yesterday, the children at our childcare, New Beginnings, performed for their parents and teachers. they were just adorable. And then Santa dropped in for a visit bringing presents, excitement and a few tears from some of the younger ones.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page for more photos of the cutest children in Springfield.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Congrats to Mary Cassidy, Esteemed Service Award honoree

Congrats to Mary Cassidy, Director of Planning & Development, for being honored with the Esteemed Service Award!

The great folks at Human Service Forum selected Mary as one of two annual award recipients this year. The award is presented to local non-profit professionals who have been in their positions for more than 10 years, and are selected from a large group of submitted nominations.

Mary received her award plaque and a resounding round of applause at the Forum's Nov. 9 breakfast meeting. 

Pictured here are: L-R: Katherine B. Wilson, left, Chair of the Human Service Forum's Executive Committee; Springfield Partners Executive Director Paul Bailey; Mary Cassidy, honored with the Esteemed Service Award at the HSF breakfast; with partners from breakfast underwriters Sullivan, Hayes & Quinn: Gordon Quinn, Layla Taylor and Megan B. Sullivan.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Saturday: Barnes & Noble Fundraiser - Shop for a Cause!

Support Springfield Partners & New Beginnings Childcare Center

Get an early start on your holiday shopping...

Print this flyer and bring it to Barnes & Noble, Holyoke, on Sat., Nov. 19, when 15% of your purchase will be donated to New Beginnings Childcare Center, a program of Springfield Partners.

Special In-Store Events on Nov. 19:
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: FREE: Create your own holiday greeting card! Supplies provided; children & adults welcome.
  • 2 to 4 p.m.: Vote for your favorite artwork among the entries from New Beginnings pre-school students.
  • 2:30 p.m.: Storytime with Lori Nickerson, Director of New Beginnings

Can't make it on the 19th? No problem!

Shop online from Nov. 19-24 at and enter Bookfair ID# 10523280 during checkout.

Thank you for your support! Hope to see you on Saturday :) 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Diabetes Month

November is national Diabetes Month. Nearly 26 million Americans are battling diabetes, several right here at Springfield Partners. It is important for everyone to be aware of the complications surrounding diabetes and the steps necessary to maintain health.

The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) provides information at There are tips on living with the disease, steps to prevent it, ways to recognize risk and much more. NDEP is also on Facebook with daily advice. This information is for everyone. Eating well and exercising moderately is good advice for a healthy lifestyle.

NDEP is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Energy Experts on Channel 22

Just in case you missed it yesterday, here is the link to WWLP channel 22's Sunday noontime program in Focus

Our Energy Director, Joe Kerigan, along with other energy experts - Sheila Doiron from Columbia Gas of Massachusetts, John Walsh from Western Massachusetts Electric Company, and Steve Chase from Fuel Services, Incoporated - discussed the costs of heating, energy efficiency and ways people can save on their heating bills.

Please take a look at this informative video and as always, comment or call us for more information. Our phone number is 413-263-6500.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


It has been a long time coming. On Thursday, October 27 we will happily celebrate the dedication of our office space at 721 State Street. At that time, we invite you to join us to check out our new facade. We were able to make improvements thanks to monies from Develop Springfield.

So, at five o'clock, we will meet outside for a few words from Glenn Davis of Develop Springfield and a prayer from Reverend Jeff Chandler, pastor of the Cottage Hill Church and past board member of Springfield Partners.

Next, we move upstairs to the second floor for a short reception, refreshments from the Hancock Market, and a brief board meeting. The board will be welcoming new members, bidding farewell and thanks to outgoing members, and electing a slate of officers for the next year.

Please join us if you can, and if not, take some time on your next drive up State Street to admire our much improved signage.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A new playground for New Beginnings...

We are so lucky! A team of nine hardworking volunteers from Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers visited Springfield Partners on Friday, and spent hours sprucing up the playground for the little ones at New Beginnings Childcare Center.

The playground looks FANTASTIC!! The volunteers spread mulch, power-washed the play structures, raked, swept, and landscaped. We are incredibly grateful to this team, who not only gave us a day of hard work but also donated a whole bunch of arts and crafts supplies for the center's children to use.

Springfield Partners and New Beginnings Childcare Center would like to thank these volunteers, who participated in the United Way of Pioneer Valley's Day of Caring and gave us a 'new' playground:

Denise Goebel
Cheryl Meher
Steve Meher
Robert Little
Ellen McDonald
William Andrade
Lori-Ann Dyer
Laura Savard
Elizabeth O'Donoghue

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Workshops and Happenings

The Springfield Food Policy Council is holding its annual meeting on Saturday, September 24 at the Rebecca Johnson School on Catharine Street, starting at 9:30am. There will be workshops, elections, raffles, discussion, box lunches and then a field trip to the Concerned Citizens of Mason Square Farmers' Market.

Heart healthy box lunches are being provided by Chaconia, Trinidad and Tobago Restaurant so call now and reserve your space. You want to enjoy this delicious meal and you definitely want to take some time to check out the goodies at the farmers' market, located at 11 Wilbraham Road.

The Food Policy Council makes recommendations to city leaders to address issues of hunger, food justice and nutrition.

Our First Time Homebuyer workshops are scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and Saturday, October 29. They run from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm both days and you must attend both sessions. Workshops will be held right here at 721 State Street, 2nd floor. Various housing issues are addressed in the workshops like how to find a realtor, lending options, home inspections, and much more. Registration is necessary.

Call 413-263-6500 to sign up, or if you have any questions about the Food Policy Council annual meeting or the First Time Homebuyer workshops.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We're on MassAppeal!
Springfield Partners Executive Director Paul Bailey and Director of Energy Programs Joe Kerigan were in the 22 News MassAppeal studio yesterday - check out their segment below!

We are urging people to call us TODAY to make an appointment for Weatherization Services - don't wait until the winter! Call 413-263-6500.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Board Member Dan Pouliot, wrote a letter to the editor that was published in this week's Reminder.

To Whom It May Concern:

Now that our congressional representatives have averted the risk of a government default, I hope that we will all take some time to reflect on the direction in which our country is headed. The toxic nature of the debate leading up to the last-minute deal is certainly alarming, but more alarming, at least in my opinion, is the fact that we seem to have lost our moral compass as a nation. We no longer seem to be a nation that looks out for and helps its most vulnerable citizens. Rather, we seem to be placing blame at the feet of those citizens for our current financial situation and cutting aid to the poor at a time when they need it most and when more and more citizens are struggling to make ends meet. I have seen clear evidence of this at both the national and local level, and am writing to express concern about this trend and hope that we can re-connect with the values that have made this country what it is.

A recent Heritage Foundation report titled, “Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?” uses ownership of material items like those in the report’s title to suggest that families considered to be living in poverty (as defined by the US Census Bureau) are not really poor. This report paints a very broad brush over those living in poverty and tries to make the case that because poor families can afford “luxury” items like a refrigerator, they do not really need government assistance.

Likewise, WWLP (Channel 22) recently used that same broad brush when their I-Team did an investigative report into people receiving government support through the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). This report focused on some of the material possessions of those going into the office to infer that those receiving assistance are either not truly in need or are misusing the funds given to them by the state.

I think most people would agree that welfare fraud is clearly a serious issue and those perpetrating it should be prosecuted. However, I have serious concerns about the way that these two reports seem to categorize those living in poverty and receiving government assistance as living high on the hog and/or abusing the system for their own personal gain.

In 1961, the author Oscar Lewis coined the term “culture of poverty” to describe certain personal attributes that he felt were common to those living in poverty. Lewis believed that the poor were similar in terms of their personal makeup and therefore, if you’ve seen one poor person, you’ve seen them all. This notion is still widely-held today and serves as the backdrop for the Heritage Foundation report and the recent 22 News story. When combined with these reports, the culture of poverty concept helps reinforce the notion that all poor people are taking us taxpayers for a ride and that government needs to stop funding their extravagant lifestyle.

I have the pleasure of serving on the Board of Directors for Springfield Partners for Community Action. Our organization seeks to improve the overall quality of life in the community by helping those in need to become economically self-sufficient. The individuals we work with on a daily basis are as diverse as any other segment of society, so we know that the concept of a culture of poverty is just plain wrong and does a disservice to all those seeking to improve their lives.

Which brings me back to my concern having watched our representatives in Washington come up with a plan that increases the debt limit by slashing programs for those most in need. This action can be justified if seen through the lens of the culture of poverty evidenced in the Heritage Foundation and 22 News reports. However, when put up against the experience of organizations like ours that deal with poverty on a daily basis, it really seems like we have lost our sense of community and concern for our fellow man.

We are better than this.


Dan Pouliot, Board Member
Springfield Partners for Community Action

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Join the Wellness Tour!

Springfield Partners is one of several agencies partnering to offer FREE health screenings at a series of Springfield locations.

The first stop for the big red Wellness bus is at Walgreens, 707 State St., from Noon to 6 p.m. on Thursday July 21, in the parking lot. FREE screenings, music, food and prizes!

Screenings are available for:
- Bone Density
- Glucose
- Blood Pressure
- Body Mass Index
- Cholesterol Levels
- Waist Circumference

Check out our web page for info:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A quick post before the long weekend

We wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day. Why is that we tend to say July 4th instead of Independence Day? Any thoughts on that?

We will once again host the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation this coming Saturday as they present debit cards to tornado victims. The cards are worth several hundred dollars and are a wonderful gift from a wonderful organization. If you have time at one o'clock on Saturday, come by and take part in their short, but extremely moving presentation - group prayer, group song and a brief history of the foundation.

Above is a photo of ED Paul Bailey, thanking the Foundation for helping the people of Springfield.

And some very pleasant news; Development Specialist Jennifer Picard was married to John Christopher last Saturday. Everyone here at Springfield Partners wishes them the very best.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tornado and Conference

We have been busy with food, clothing, bed and mattress, and toiletry item distributions. And we will continue to hold distributions as long as needed. And many thanks to the donors. We could not have held any of the distributions without your generosity and your caring.

Several staff attended the Southern New England Community Action Conference in Falmouth, MA on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Of course, the tornado was a topic of conversation. People were interested in the need, the numbers and in our response.

And the world of Community Action also responded. So many people and agencies need to be thanked! Massacusetts Association for Community Action, Connecticut Association For Community Action, the Connecticut Department of Social Services and many, many individuals from many Community Action Agencies. It is all extremely moving and we are overwhelmed with your response and your generosity. Thank you!

Governor Patrick announced on June 15 that the state would receive FEMA. State officials documented the cost of damages to uninsured buildings, road and infrastructure, plus the cost of essential overtime and materials as approximately $25 million. the minimum amount necessary for federal assistance is $8.5 million. We have more than three times the minimum amount of damage!

FEMA officials urge everyone who was impacted by the tornado to apply for help.

The Conference was extremely informative and well worth attending. Staff attended workshops on various topics including Succession Planning, Creating a Culture of Philanthropy, Dealing with Human Resource Issues, and much more. Since the conference was held at the newly renovated Sea Crest Conference Center in Falmouth, MA, we were all able to dabble our toes in the ocean in between workshops. Definitely a perk!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Food & Personal Care Items Distribution TODAY

Springfield Partners and several other agencies are teaming up to distribute meals and personal care items TODAY to those in need due to the tornado. 

Come down to the back parking lot of Springfield Partners 721 State St. offices today, Friday June 3, at 2:30 p.m. Use Monroe Street and park in the lot across the street (next to St. John's food pantry.) 

The Food Bank of Western Mass. will distribute food and water. The American Friends Service Committee and BMC HealthNet  will be distributing personal toiletries during this time. Partners for a Healthier Community and Small Smiles will also distribute oral hygiene products.

Springfield Partners also has beds & mattresses (twin and bunk) available for distribution.

Please help spread the word! For more info call 263-6500.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tornado Hits Springfield and Surrounding Towns

As you read this, we are still assessing the level of need in the greater Springfield area. We are working with the American Red Cross and the city's Department of Health and Human Services to determine the best way for us to help.

Our building is standing and our staff are all safe. And we are all ready and willing to help in any way we can. We are already collecting hygiene items, food items and children's clothing for distribution. Will get the date out as soon as we are ready.

We will post as soon as we have concrete options for people. Right now, here is a link that will help with referrals to programs and services in the area.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Green Expo: A great way to kick off a holiday weekend!

Springfield Partners' Weatherization Assistance Program took their display on the road again yesterday, attending the May 26 2011 Green Expo & Environmental Fair at Springfield's Tower Square.

Check out our photos here:

And here is one of Weatherization Auditor Russell Rososky giving info to attendee Gloria Richardson:

Our friends and business partners from WMECO and Columbia Gas were also there, giving out great energy-saving information to the downtown crowd.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Scholarship Awards Breakfast

We will present ten $1,000 scholarships at an awards breakfast at Springfield Technical Community College on Friday, June 10 at 8:00am. Tickets are only $20 but a table of 8 is an even better price - $140! And ticket sales will help fund next year's awards.

We are thrilled to be presenting the 2nd. Annual Ray Hershel Award thanks to John Gormally and WGGB-TV. Ray will also be our Master of Ceremonies for the awards breakfast.

So, call us to get your tickets now at 413-263-6500. See you there!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday is the big day! We're showing off our 'new' home here at 721 State St., 2nd Floor.

Please join us! The program will begin at 3 p.m. with remarks from Congressman Neal and Mayor Sarno. RSVP to Mary at 263-6500.

For more information, please visit our website.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scholarships Available

Want Money for College?

Apply for a scholarship from Springfield Partners for Community Action!

Visit for a Scholarship Application!

Springfield Partners for Community Action is pleased to announce the availability of 10 Community Scholarships of $1,000 each, and the Second Annual Ray Hershel Honorary Scholarship. Scholarships are available to both adult learners and to 2011 high school graduates.

The Second Annual Ray Hershel Honorary Scholarship is one $1,000 award for college students pursuing a degree in journalism, communications or a related field. It was established by John Gormally, president and owner of WGGB-TV. Ray Hershel is an award-winning broadcast journalist and longtime chief political reporter for WGGB.

The deadline to apply for all scholarships is May 20, 2011 at 4 p.m. Scholarships will be distributed at an awards breakfast on June 10, 2011; winners must be at the breakfast to receive an award.

All applicants must be Springfield residents enrolled in an accredited college or vocational school in Massachusetts; demonstrate community involvement; and meet income guidelines. Applicants may download the application at or pick one up at Springfield Partners main office, 721 State St., 2nd Floor, Springfield. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weatherization! It's not just for winter

Did you know that our Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) can replace incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient CFLs?

Did you know that our Weatherization team can also provide safety testing of a home’s heating system and examine homes for health and safety issues?

Well, you might know that they can test the efficiency of refrigerators and freezers and if either is found to be inefficient, they can replace it with a new, energy-saving unit.

And, our WAP crew can provide attic insulation and venting, wall insulation, air sealing, and weather-stripping of doors and windows.

You should definitely know that eligible households receive fuel assistance and priority households have an elderly family member, a child under the age of six, a person with a disability or have high energy use.

WAP services can safely and effectively lower utility bills by $400 a year on average.

You might just want to contact us.

Weatherization is for more than just winter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Open House

Please join us at our Open House on Monday, May 16. We invite you to take a tour, enjoy some refreshments and chat with staff between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. There will be a short program at 3:00 p.m. and Congressman Richard Neal has agreed to make opening remarks.

We are all rather pleased to be in the same building together with our childcare center, New Beginnings, in the first floor. There are still some improvements that we hope to make but want to hold our Open House to correspond with National Community Action Month. There are 24 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts and over 1,000 nationwide.

Please drop in to our Open House. We'd love to meet new people, make new friends, and definitely want our old friends to see our new place. See you on the 16th!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Celebrating the Week of the Young Child at New Beginnings Childcare Center...

Amidst the doom and gloom of federal budget cuts, we have happy news:

First up: New Beginnings pre-schoolers will stroll up State to participate in the Grand (Re)Opening of the Mason Square Library on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. We are so, so happy to have an nice, full-size library branch back in our neighborhood! A few Springfield Partners staff got a sneak peek at the renovated library last week, and we can promise you, you'll LOVE it there. Thanks to Jean Canosa Albano and the Mason Square branch staff for their hard work!

It's also the Week of the Young Child, and our very own New Beginnings Childcare Center here at 721 State Street has some exciting activities on tap this week.
New Beginnings children celebrating WOTYC

On Wednesday the 13th, from 2-3 p.m., New Beginnings will hold an Autism Awareness event at the center. A special guest speaker will educate center parents and family about autism and its impact on children and families, and will distribute free resources on autism.

Parents and families of New Beginnings children are invited to a special talent show, "New Beginnings Has Talent," at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 14, at the center. Tickets are $1 each. Our teachers and kids are really creative, so you won't want to miss this one!

Week of the Young Child will go out in style with a Cookout and Dance Party, set to start at 10 a.m. Friday April 15 at the playground in the rear of the center building. Parents and families are welcome to join us!

Friday, April 1, 2011

More on budget cuts

Many people are fasting to protest the drastic cuts that are being proposed in Washington right now. You can read more about the fast and even join in at Move On. The premise of the fast: when Congress is debating forcing veterans into homelessness and cutting food aid to pregnant women and children, while giving tax breaks to billionaires, something is very, very wrong. Religious leaders have banded together to organize the fast.

Those who will go hungry because of these cuts are largely invisible to decision-makers in Congress. By fasting in solidarity, we have an opportunity to make their suffering visible, and expose the immorality of this policy.

Anyone can participate although please don't if you have health issues. You may choose to fast for a day, for a meal or a week. The choice is yours.

We have to find ways to make our legislators listen to us and this just may be the way to do that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Proposed Cuts to Community Service Block Grants

We have been extremely busy trying to make everyone aware of the President's plan to cut the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funds, which have traditionally been given to states to provide anti-poverty programs. Attached is a very helpful article written by Melissa Boteach of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. She has some suggestions for ways to save CSBG and other programs and offers alternatives to these cuts.

Please take a few moments to read the article and if you feel that her suggestions make sense, contact your appropriate legislator and let them know.

I invite you to post your comments and suggestions too.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We're Moving! Please Read All About it HERE:

We will be incommunicado for a little while during the move.

We apologize for any inconvenience!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tell Us What YOUR Community Needs...

CLICK HERE to complete our brief, confidential online survey.

Springfield Partners for Community Action has begun work on its Strategic Plan for 2012 to 2014.

We need to know what YOU think about our community's needs, the kinds of programs that we do - or should - offer, and what our agency's priorities should be for the next 3 years.

To learn more, please visit

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Save Community Action!

It’s hard to believe.

Staff members at community action agencies across the nation felt their hearts skip a beat when President Obama, during his Jan. 25 State of the Union address, said regarding next year’s budget:

“I’ve proposed cuts to things I care deeply about, like community action programs.”

Reports now indicate that President Obama’s budget proposal will include a 50 percent cut in the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funding, the major funding source for Community Action Agencies across the country. Including Springfield Partners for Community Action.

CSBG is the only federal program supporting services to fight poverty.

It’s hard to believe that Springfield Partners, founded shortly after President Johnson declared a ‘War on Poverty’ back in 1964, would today have to cut services by 50 percent.

A 50% cut means that instead of helping 11,000 in a year, we help 5,500 and turn away the other 5,500.

A 50% cut means that Springfield Partners employs 25 people, not 50. A 50% cut means that we give affordable, quality childcare to 50 families a year, not 100.

A 50% cut means that thousands of Springfield families will not get the ‘hand up’ they need to climb up and out of poverty.

It’s hard to believe.

Fortunately, Community Action agencies have not lost their grassroots identity. Advocacy and fighting for what’s right is part of our tradition. We’re going to fight.

But we need YOU to join this fight, too. Someone in your family has probably benefitted from Community Action programs, whether it was a free tax return filing, a financial literacy class, first-time homebuyer counseling, or a food pantry voucher.

Please, pay it forward. Here’s what you can do:

1. Get Informed and Spread the Word! Visit and share:

2. Call or write the President. Here's how: 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wal-Mart Hears the Cry for Healthy Foods... But Mason Square is Still a Food Desert

If you've shopped at Wal-Mart, you've probably noticed that the least-nutritious foods are the cheapest.

Apparently that's going to change.

Wal-Mart recently announced their intentions to decrease salt, fat and sugar in their packaged foods, and to lower prices on healther foods, including produce.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The New Year

Our first posting of 2011, sadly, is a comment on the passing of Sargent Shriver. President Johnson selected Shriver to head up the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO). Shriver was much admired by President Johnson for his leadership abilities and installed Shriver as the first Director of OEO on October 11, 1964. As many of you know, this initiative, known as the War on Poverty, was also the beginning of Community Action Agencies.

Shriver was responsible for developing the multi-faceted approach to ending poverty that involved low-income people in various anti-poverty initiatives. This was definitely a new approach and astounded many people in government. Community Action Agencies today still use this approach.

Sargent Shriver was an extraordinary man and we are all truly saddened for his family.