Monday, March 12, 2012

Fundraiser for the family of Jessica Rojas

Tragically, two children at our childcare, New Beginnings, lost their mother this past week. Jessica Rojas, only 25 years old, was a victim of domestic violence. Jessica's family and the teachers at New Beginnings rallied to pay tribute to her life and to raise funds for her funeral expenses. We were more than happy to be the site for the bake sale, tee shirt sale (with beautiful photos of Jessica as an angel), and for the sale of ribbons and buttons. In one day, almost $1,800 was raised to help the family.

Womanshelter/Companeras set up a table and staffed it for the entire day. Anyone wishing to talk about domestic violence, or just shed a tear talking about Jessica, was helped by Carmen Nieves and Lexi Meyers from the shelter. They also provided helpful information about paying for the costs of the funeral. Visit and look for victim compensation. It really helps to bring in experts.

The YWCA also brought materials on domestic violence to distribute to anyone interested that day. We are grateful for their help.

Friends and relatives dropped by throughout the day, to donate, to bring in baked goods, to remember Jessica, and to share their concern for her children. It was a horribly sad day, but it was also a day to help each other get through the suffering.

We will accept donations through the end of March. Checks should be made out to the Jessica Rojas Funeral Fund. An account has been established at Hampden Bank and they will also accept donations at any one of their sites.

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