Thursday, June 30, 2011

A quick post before the long weekend

We wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day. Why is that we tend to say July 4th instead of Independence Day? Any thoughts on that?

We will once again host the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation this coming Saturday as they present debit cards to tornado victims. The cards are worth several hundred dollars and are a wonderful gift from a wonderful organization. If you have time at one o'clock on Saturday, come by and take part in their short, but extremely moving presentation - group prayer, group song and a brief history of the foundation.

Above is a photo of ED Paul Bailey, thanking the Foundation for helping the people of Springfield.

And some very pleasant news; Development Specialist Jennifer Picard was married to John Christopher last Saturday. Everyone here at Springfield Partners wishes them the very best.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tornado and Conference

We have been busy with food, clothing, bed and mattress, and toiletry item distributions. And we will continue to hold distributions as long as needed. And many thanks to the donors. We could not have held any of the distributions without your generosity and your caring.

Several staff attended the Southern New England Community Action Conference in Falmouth, MA on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Of course, the tornado was a topic of conversation. People were interested in the need, the numbers and in our response.

And the world of Community Action also responded. So many people and agencies need to be thanked! Massacusetts Association for Community Action, Connecticut Association For Community Action, the Connecticut Department of Social Services and many, many individuals from many Community Action Agencies. It is all extremely moving and we are overwhelmed with your response and your generosity. Thank you!

Governor Patrick announced on June 15 that the state would receive FEMA. State officials documented the cost of damages to uninsured buildings, road and infrastructure, plus the cost of essential overtime and materials as approximately $25 million. the minimum amount necessary for federal assistance is $8.5 million. We have more than three times the minimum amount of damage!

FEMA officials urge everyone who was impacted by the tornado to apply for help.

The Conference was extremely informative and well worth attending. Staff attended workshops on various topics including Succession Planning, Creating a Culture of Philanthropy, Dealing with Human Resource Issues, and much more. Since the conference was held at the newly renovated Sea Crest Conference Center in Falmouth, MA, we were all able to dabble our toes in the ocean in between workshops. Definitely a perk!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Food & Personal Care Items Distribution TODAY

Springfield Partners and several other agencies are teaming up to distribute meals and personal care items TODAY to those in need due to the tornado. 

Come down to the back parking lot of Springfield Partners 721 State St. offices today, Friday June 3, at 2:30 p.m. Use Monroe Street and park in the lot across the street (next to St. John's food pantry.) 

The Food Bank of Western Mass. will distribute food and water. The American Friends Service Committee and BMC HealthNet  will be distributing personal toiletries during this time. Partners for a Healthier Community and Small Smiles will also distribute oral hygiene products.

Springfield Partners also has beds & mattresses (twin and bunk) available for distribution.

Please help spread the word! For more info call 263-6500.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tornado Hits Springfield and Surrounding Towns

As you read this, we are still assessing the level of need in the greater Springfield area. We are working with the American Red Cross and the city's Department of Health and Human Services to determine the best way for us to help.

Our building is standing and our staff are all safe. And we are all ready and willing to help in any way we can. We are already collecting hygiene items, food items and children's clothing for distribution. Will get the date out as soon as we are ready.

We will post as soon as we have concrete options for people. Right now, here is a link that will help with referrals to programs and services in the area.