Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Social Security Turns 75. That is older than Community Action!

The Economic Policy Institute, a D.C. based entity whose mission is to achieve shared prosperity by raising the economic status of low- and middle-income Americans, released an article entitled Social Security and the Federal Deficit. It is pertinent information for every reader, regardless of age.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Myth of the Culture of Poverty

With our scholarship awards coming up next month, we are increasingly aware of the concerns that people have around education.
We came upon this very interesting article from ASCD, an educational leadership organization dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner. The Myth of the Culture of Poverty discusses preconceptions or misconceptions about poverty. The author cites concrete research that debunks various myths like; Poor people are unmotivated and have weak work ethics. He points out that, according to the Economic Policy Institute, "Poor working adults spend more hours working each week than their wealthier counterparts."

Here is the link for this thought provoking article

And something very encouraging in this article - action steps we can take to help improve the education experience for all students while dealing with our own perceptions of classism.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We will host a home fair, "Pathways to Homeownership" at Springfield Technical Community College on Saturday, September 25 from 9:00 till 2:00. Bankers, realtors, housing inspectors and other experts will have informational tables and be available to answer questions.

Of course we'll have staff from our own housing related programs, Weatherization Assistance, Housing Counseling, our matched savings program or Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) where we can help you save to buy a house, and many more.

Pictured here is proud homeowner Jackie Rosado, who participated in the IDA program and bought her very own home.

Stay tuned for more information and updates.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We have been busy with many projects and blogging seems to have fallen by the wayside. So, first: we are giving away $1,000 scholarships to 21 low-income Springfield residents. The application deadline is August 18 and applications are available on our website.

One scholarship is being presented in honor of Ray Hershel. Most of you know Ray from watching the news on WGGB-TV. The applicant must be studying journalism or a related field.

Two scholarships are being set aside for applicants studying in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Scholarships will be presented at an awards breakfast at Springfield Technical Community College on Friday, September 17. So, fill out those applications and get them in to us.